Workplace Strategy

Create the optimal workplace culture to enable your people to work at their best

A workplace strategy is a blueprint for creating a culture that enables peak performance, while maximising efficiencies. It is about people, place and technology; creating spaces where communication and engagement flourish, and people are given the technology and tools to excel.

From flexible working and shared workspaces, to conventional offices or mobile working, defining a workplace strategy that fits the culture and goals of your organisation is daunting. And that’s where we can help.

By learning how your employees think, feel and behave, we can develop a strategy that works for them. When employees have the opportunity to discuss how they use space and what factors are most important, they will be more engaged and productive in the future workplace

Whether your priorities are driven by growth objectives, HR factors, asset rationalisation or financial pressures, we can draw on our expertise to help you define and implement a workplace strategy that fits your organisation and your people, now and for the future.

What does it involve?

Our goal is to create a practical strategy to deliver enduring workplace change, and then work with you to put the strategy into action successfully.

This could include:

  • Conducting detailed business needs analysis via interviews, discussions and surveys to understand what you want to achieve and why
  • Assessing current workplace practices to fully understand and evaluate how space is used
  • Identifying the gaps from the current culture to the new culture and developing a road map to achieve the desired state
  • Engaging stakeholders via vision sessions and focus groups
  • Working with your HR team to develop and update policies that support the new workplace strategy
  • Working with your technology team to ensure employees have access to the tools they need to perform at their best, no matter where they are
  • Designing a communications plan and a change road map to keep your people informed and on board at all stages

Work with MovePlan

Our tried-and-tested methodology and agile infrastructure enable us to provide flexible, global support for projects of all sizes, thanks to our 100-strong team across 15 hubs and six continents.

Please get in touch to discuss your workplace strategy needs with our team.

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