Workplace Assessment

Assess how your current space is being used and understand how to create a workspace that achieves your objectives

Knowing precisely how your space is used is essential in understanding how to create a workplace that meets your needs for both today and for tomorrow.

A workplace assessment will provide a detailed picture of your use of space, not only in terms of people, but also in terms of other vital factors such as filing, storage, IT infrastructure, furniture or parking.

We’ll collect hard and soft data on your organisation, your people and your workspace, from card swipes and desk usage, to how much storage you use or the adequacy of your current technology.

If you have a workplace strategy already, a workplace assessment will identify what needs to change and the kind of support you need to achieve it. If you don’t have a strategy, a workplace assessment provides the hard evidence you need to create one.

What does it involve?

Our aim is to give you a better all-round understanding of how you are using your space, based on hard data and empirical evidence, and what it means for your workplace strategy.

This could include:

  • Analysing all existing sources of data covering people, place and technology
  • Collecting hard data via Workplace Observation Studies and filing and storage audits
  • Understanding the appetite for change via surveys, interviews and focus groups
  • Preparing a comprehensive report to support the business case
  • Developing a plan to implement the changes you’re looking for

Work with MovePlan

Our tried-and-tested methodology and agile infrastructure enable us to provide flexible, global support for projects of all sizes, thanks to our 100-strong team across 15 hubs and six continents.

Please get in touch to arrange a workplace assessment with our team.

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