Filing & Storage Assessment

Cut real estate costs and free-up space by reducing your filing and storage

Few organisations draw up a formal ‘filing and storage’ strategy when they begin operations. It’s something that just happens over the years. But when was the last time you thoroughly reviewed your filing and storage? And is there a more efficient way to achieve the same objectives?

Whether you’re required to keep records by law or have gradually built up significant paper archives, you’ll know that filing and storage costs soon mount up. Expense that could be significantly reduced if you knew to ask the right questions and where to look for new solutions.

Our filing and storage review will save you the cost of unnecessary archives and cabinets without disrupting your business. Based on our long experience and deep, practical knowledge, we could potentially save up to 90% on your filing and storage requirements and strengthen information security, by implementing optimal use of space, better workflows and more consistent, sustainable behaviours.

What does it involve?

Our goal is to reduce the amount of space, furniture and therefore costs devoted to document filing and storage.

This may include:

  • Undertaking a comprehensive review to fully understand your practices, processes and workflows
  • Auditing and documenting your current storage and agreeing reduction/conversion targets
  • Developing an implementation plan to ensure targets are met and to roll out any process improvements
  • Donating surplus stationery and other assets to local organisations, boosting your CR credentials
  • Working with your internal and external service providers to manage the logistics of the clear out process
  • Working with your compliance team to renew or update your records policies in line with regulations and industry standards
  • Creating a robust and engaging communications programme to ensure new policies are implemented effectively

Work with MovePlan

Our tried-and-tested methodology and agile infrastructure enable us to provide flexible, global support for projects of all sizes, thanks to our 100-strong team across 15 hubs and six continents.

Please get in touch to arrange a filing and storage assessment with our team.

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