Laboratory & Clinical Moves

Secure a safe and successful lab or clinical move with minimal risk and no disruption to your operations

Complex equipment, hazardous substances and irreplaceable research items mean moving labs can be exceptionally challenging. Our services for labs and clinical environments put risk management at the heart of any move, combining a robust methodology with continual communication to make sure your move goes to plan.

MovePlan has more than 30 years’ experience in the relocation of spaces requiring highly-specialised risk- management processes and precautions. We immerse ourselves in the detail of your environment, managing every aspect of the move to keep it fully on track and on budget, while adhering to all regulations and industry standards.

Whether you are relocating hazardous materials, temperature-controlled substances, or delicate lab equipment, we ensure a safe and successful move that maintains your operational continuity.

What does it involve?

Our highly-experienced team will work with you to develop a detailed relocation plan that meets environmental, health and safety standards, manages the potential risks across your people and facilities, and avoids any disruption to your operations and the day-to-day roles of your staff.

This could include:

  • Interviewing key players and developing and implementing a customised project plan and migration strategy using our lab-specific project management tools
  • Acting as a single source for procuring, scheduling and managing all vendors
  • Ensuring the secure transition of hazardous materials, samples and equipment
  • Developing a thorough risk management plan covering asset management, chain of custody process, strict security measures and contingency plans
  • Managing all communications to limit disruption to science operations
  • Preparing all filing and storage requirements

Work with MovePlan

Our tried-and-tested methodology and agile infrastructure enable us to provide flexible, global support for projects of all sizes, thanks to our 100-strong team across 15 hubs and six continents.

Please get in touch to discuss your laboratory and clinical moves with our team.

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A holistic offering

MovePlan’s services work together as a network, providing a tailored, evolving solution for our clients.

Our full set of services