“I had previously worked as a project manager prior to setting up our family business, and had nearly 15 years’ experience as a move and project manager for financial services companies. Due to my background I started noticing my profile coming up in LinkedIn searches. Long story short, one of my former colleagues was now working at MovePlan and after a series of introductory calls and interviews for a project management-focused role the company was advertising, I was offered the job.”

Indira’s first few weeks were focused on onboarding through the MovePlan Academy. This included an introduction to company processes and the tools available to plan and manage projects. Indira was also allocated a MovePlan Knight. This forms the mentoring scheme MovePlan has in place to ensure that everyone who is new to the business has someone outside of their team – and region – to ask for advice.

“I meet with my Knight once a month for an hour. It’s a brilliant scheme as we get to talk to our mentor about what we are experiencing, get advice and feedback, or just have a chat. It’s a great idea and has provided me with an additional layer of support, in a relaxed setting, which has been invaluable.”

Understanding how people behave and the impact of change on them allows you to put together a robust strategy that will ensure all employees are comfortable.

Indira is involved with projects that require both move and change management. However, she is increasingly finding herself consulting on change projects.

“Change management has come to the fore since the pandemic. When you look at a move project through a change management lens, you see just how important it is. Understanding how people behave and the impact of change on them allows you to put together a robust strategy that will ensure all employees are comfortable with the big changes ahead. This ultimately ensures the delivery of a successful project, both for MovePlan and the client.”

Asked about what has made her happy to have accepted a role at MovePlan, Indira believes it is “the diversity of talent. We are also supportive of each other. There is no competition, instead we all share the same goal of wanting to do a good job for our clients. We take care of and motivate each other.”

How would she sum up MovePlan as a company to work for?

“It’s a supportive company that’s also successful. That combination is rare as it’s often assumed that successful companies must have a competitive and cut-throat internal culture. I have found none of that in MovePlan, it really is a great place to work.”