We’re committed to acting responsibly – it is baked into our DNA – and we pledge to drive environmental, societal and governance (ESG) procedures throughout our work. By placing people, communities and the environment at the core of our decision making, we are able to: 

  • Consider how we deal with climate change and our impact on the environment at every juncture
  • Recycle as much material as we can
  • Take a proactive approach to reducing pollution, waste and energy use
  • Work with local not for profit organisations, schools and community groups to find new homes for unwanted business assets, such as furniture and office equipment and supplies
  • Strive to exceed environmental regulations, laws and codes of practice as our minimum level of performance
  • Recommend vendors with excellent environmental credentials 
  • Give our people the opportunity to give back to the communities we work in, and we provide time for them to volunteer for causes they are passionate about
  • Ensure fair and inclusive relationships with our employees, suppliers, customers and communities
  • Focus on building and maintaining respect, transparency and integrity with everyone who work for and with us


Examples of our team’s commitment to reuse, recycle or redeploy wherever possible:


  • Our decommissioning services for a global pharmaceutical client resulted in 75,000 lab consumables, glassware and office supplies being donated to local high schools, universities and community programmes.
  • We have removed 11.83 tonnes of recyclable scrap from a single university client site
  • We have donated 1,800 desks and chairs, 3,500 storage units and soft seating from a financial client to charity
  • One project for a pharmaceutical client resulted in donated items with a value of $906k; redeployed items with a value of $307k and 145 tonnes disposed, of which 81% was recycled

worth of items donated for a pharma client


items of lab consumables donated for a pharma client


of recyclable scrap removed from a university client site

UN Sustainability Goals

At MovePlan, we aim to act responsibly in everything we do – and we work closely with our clients to support them in doing the same.

The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) form part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The 17 SDGs (visit the UN’s website to read more) outline the steps that must be reached in order to preserve the world we live in. 

We support the UN’s goals and all our team members are experienced in providing support and recommendations on how to achieve them. We work closely with our clients to highlight which of the 17 SDGs are relevant to their organisations, and to support them in providing strategies to advance their progress within the organisation.

As a business we are also committed to working towards the same framework and currently work to 58% of the UN’s sustainability goals, including good health and wellbeing; decent work and economic growth, reduced inequalities, responsible consumption and production, climate action, affordable and clean energy, and industry, innovation and infrastructure. 

Keep an eye out on our website for stories demonstrating our ongoing work in the area of sustainability. 

Talk to us

Contact our team to find out how MovePlan can reduce the cost, risk and stress of your next workplace project.